Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Kingdom Keepers Quest brings novels to life at Magic Kingdom – A Mom and The Mouse – Orlando Sentinel

UPDATE: Registration begins in early June for the start of the program in the fall.
The Disney Youth Programs division has brought to life the popular Kingdom Keepers novels by Ridley Pearson with an educational challenge in the Magic Kingdom. Kingdom Keepers Quest is a self-guided tour through the Disney World theme park in search of clues to save the magic.
The quest is designed for kids 10 to 12 years old, but is not limited to those ages. Typically, groups of five students and a leader tackle the challenge together, solving puzzles and testing math and language arts skills as they move from attraction to attraction. Each student receives a unique map, and the group has a workbook and a leader guide.
The length of time for Kingdom Keepers Quest varies because it is a self-guided tour, but it could be completed in 3 to 4 hours if started in the morning, said Sarah Domenech, a Disney public relations manager.
“One of the most potent added values of Kingdom Keepers Quest is that it puts the action of literacy back on the ground. Students are able to take a book and live it.,” Pearson said. “Creativity doesn’t come from reading a book or taking a class, it comes from going out and living every day and looking around you. By taking this program, kids will learn to observe, work as a team, take new ideas and process them in new ways, and bring them back into the classroom.”
Quest tickets for Florida residents are $53 plus tax, which includes that day’s admission to Magic Kingdom with a non-park hopper ticket. (There is not a separate price for passholders.) Rates for those living outside Florida depend on the type of ticket purchased and begin at $124 for a three-day base ticket. A minimum of 10 students is required to book the program.
Because this is a self-guided tour, groups may choose the time and day to start, within Magic Kingdom daily operating hours, of course. To register, call 877-939-6884.
Pearson debuted “Kingdom Keepers IV: Power Play” at Downtown Disney last month with a book-signing event. Read what that experience was like here.

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