Thursday, September 18, 2008

VIP FastPass at Disney World

WDW Central is reporting that the free FastPass system at Disney World may be undergoing drastic changes soon.  They don't report their sources, so I don't know how much to believe what they are reporting, but it certainly sounds like something they would be considering.

From the WDW Central article:

"The Operations folks at Walt Disney World are putting together plans to do one of two things (or both) regarding their free FastPass service. One planned option is to turn the current FastPass service with a “VIP” FastPass service where only Resort guests (and possibly at only ‘deluxe’ or ’suite’ resort guests) will be able to get the option at no charge. The other option would be to offer the current FastPass service as a paid ‘perk’ and include it as part of the ticket prices/packages. Or, the Disney executives could approve both options to be put in place."

As someone who prefers to stay off-site, I really hope they don't go with the "on-site guest privilege" option.  It wouldn't surprise me though, since the current perks don't really do much to lure me onto Disney property.

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