Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Record Flights to Orlando Tapering Off?

In an article by the Orlando Sentinel, they pose the following question:

"Could the sluggish economy be catching up to Orlando International Airport?

"After months of big growth gains, passenger traffic at the airport flattened out in May, according to figures released by the airport this afternoon. About 3.1 million travelers passed through the airport in the month -- up only 0.3 percent from May 2007.

"Domestic travel actually dipped 0.8 percent for the month to 2.9 million passengers. But that was offset by a 17.5 percent increase in international traffic to about 211,000 passengers."

I guess the question is valid given that a strong growth trend seems to be weakening. However, if read the article they tell you that the numbers are still up over last year. And that's not even counting international travelers. Given the cut in flights that have been made and so-called recession we are going through this seems pretty amazing to me.

I think everybody is looking for a chink in Disney World's armor during this recession. I think they may find that a lot people are going to enjoy their vacations in spite of high energy prices.

What do you think? Will high gas prices affect your decision to go to Disney World or not?

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